Pre-settlement legal funding lets you reduce your financial woes and gives your lawyer more time to negotiate a better deal. Find out more here.
How Does Pre-Settlement Legal Funding Enable You to Maximize Your Lawsuit?
If you’ve been seriously injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may have filed a personal injury claim. And if you’re smart, you’re working with a lawyer. They may have already warned you “these things take time.” So, if money is tight, you want to know how pre-settlement legal funding enables you to maximize your lawsuit, for example – bike accident lawsuit.
Pre-settlement legal funding can wash away financial stress. That’s because, simply on the basis of your expected settlement, you can get cash fast to help you pay your bills. And by fast, we mean within 24-48 hours.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
How Much Can You Get in Pre-Settlement Funding?
Depending on the specifics of your case and the extent of your injuries, we can provide you with anywhere from $500 to $250,000 in legal funding. We reserve that higher amount for the most seriously injured clients, and wrongful death claims.
This cash then enables you to pay impending bills, including:
- The rent
- Your mortgage
- Credit card payments
- Utility bills
- Car payment
And if you run out of legal funding before your case settles and need more, you can apply for more money to tide you over.
Pre-Settlement Legal Funding Is Not a Lawsuit Loan
Pre-settlement legal funding is not technically a loan. Yes, we provide you with funding, but the terms are far different from a loan. This includes both in how you apply, and how you pay us back.
Since legal funding is tied to your settlement rather than your credit score, you:
- DON’T undergo a credit check
- DON’T have to provide proof of employment
- DON’T need to provide financial statements
And since, despite their name, birth injury pre settlements loans are not technically loans, we don’t charge interest, and you don’t make monthly payments. You simply pay us back the legal funding amount plus our one-time flat-rate fee.
It Gives Your Lawyer Time
Another way that pre-settlement legal funding enables you to maximize your lawsuit is that it gives your lawyer more time. Building a strong personal injury case can take weeks, if not months. Gathering all of the information from the various stakeholders can involve a lot of red tape.
Getting your medical evaluations done can take time as well. And depending on the seriousness of your injuries, your lawyer may advise waiting until after your next surgery or medical treatment to proceed with negotiations.
Financially strapped clients are sometimes tempted to take a lowball settlement offer. If you’re not stressed financially, you’re more likely to listen to your lawyer when they say your case needs more time. By giving your lawyer the time they need, you enable them to negotiate the highest settlement offer you could expect.
When You Reach Settlement
So, the vast majority of personal injury cases result in an out-of-court settlement, rather than go to trial. That’s because going to court can cost more, and it makes all of the details of your case public record. Neither side really wants that.
When your case settles, the other side will authorize the agreed-upon amount of money to be sent to your lawyer’s firm. They will then disburse the funds as required, to pay all interested parties. This includes:
- Any legal funding you received + fee
- Medical lien funding, if any
- Medical liens, if any
- Your lawyer’s legal fees and associated legal costs
- Back taxes
Once all of these costs are taken care of, the rest of the settlement money is yours.
If You Lose Your Case
Perhaps the best part of pre-settlement legal funding is that it truly is risk-free. If you lose your case, you don’t have to pay us back. Not a penny. This is true even if you haven’t spent all of the money yet.
When we agree to provide legal funding to a client, we feel they have a very strong case. We assume the risk that new evidence will come up, or that a jury will do something unpredictable. The only scenario where you would have to pay us back if you lost your case is if you committed fraud.
Complete a Free Application form now
Applying for Pre-Settlement Legal Funding Is Fast and Easy
Applying for pre-settlement legal funding is free, fast, and easy. As long as you have an active personal injury claim and you have a lawyer handling your case, you can apply. To get started, just fill out the form that appears when you click Apply Now.
One of our team members will then get in touch quickly with you and your lawyer to process your application. If you have questions or need help, start an online chat, or call us at (866) 407-6404.
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.